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My Mentee's Story: Mompreneur Journey to $100k Ecommerce Business in 12 Months

Intro from Gina: I've had the privilege of mentoring an amazing talented young wife, mother and entrepreneur for about 6 months now. Below you will hear her story written by her of her journey to $100k business in 12 months. It's really inspirational and I know you will enjoy reading her story the same way that I have enjoyed reading it. She has agreed to share her story but keep her name private at this time. You may not know her name but as you read, you may find that you know her quite well. She could very well be like you or a friend. Enjoy my mentee's story!

Story from My Mentee:

I’m sure you’re just like me, endlessly watching Youtube videos, reading blog posts, scrolling through Instagram and being overwhelmed by the amount of people making money online and being successful.

Dealing with Self-Doubt

Can I really make passive income selling on Amazon?

Will people really buy products from me?

How do I even start?

Who should I trust?

All of these questions were swarming in my head last year as I set out to become an internet entrepreneur. But...I didn’t start this way. I actually went to college, graduated with a degree, got a job, and then realized that I CAN’T DO THIS for the rest of my life. My job was no longer fulfilling and drained my energy everyday. However, I never took action and did anything about it. Interesting, right?

It wasn’t until my first son was born in 2016 that I seriously started to do research on how to make money online. I won’t bore you with how I stumbled upon the opportunity of selling products on Amazon but out of everything I saw online this seemed the most legitimate.

I Quit My Job

So I saved a good portion of my income for the next 6-8 months and quit my job to pursue entrepreneurship. My newborn son was my EVERYTHING and I was determined to make this work so I could stay home and raise him. Just talking about it gives me chills because this was the greatest leap of faith I had ever taken in my life!

I Lost Over $20,000

I began selling my first product on Amazon in November 2017 but it was a total flop! I lost over $20,000 and although I thought I knew what I was doing, the free content out there was steering me in the wrong direction.

And just to give you context…

While this product was failing, my husband and I were in the process of moving from California to Texas and I had become pregnant again. This moment in time was so stressful!

You Can’t Give Up

But I didn’t give up even though I had every right to. I decided to start over and choose a completely different product in a completely different industry.

I also decided to be more critical and analyze more deeply the people giving away “free” advice online. What I really needed was a mentor, someone who was where I wanted to be and could give me specific tailored advice that would take me to the next level.

Finding My Mentor

And so through a mutual friend that knew what I was striving for, mentioned that she had a friend that was very successful in building online businesses. I immediately looked Gina up on Instagram to see if she was the real deal and to just put a face to a name.

After going through her Instagram profiles and her website, I knew that I wanted her to mentor me. So I did what anyone would do to get in contact with someone...I slid in her DM’s.

After some time and back and forth messaging, Gina decided to take me on as one of her mentees/clients. It was the most exciting thing to talk with another woman who’s 20 steps ahead of you and is able to give you specific advice for your business situation.

Level Up

Finding a Like Minded Business Mentor

One of the first things that Gina recommended was to focus my efforts 100% on sales coming through Amazon. One of my first calls, I mentioned that I was currently working on selling my product on multiple websites, running ads on multiple social media sites, and 100 other things I thought I needed to do to be successful.

Managing a house and being a Mom to a toddler and an infant already limited my time so much. So by adhering to Gina’s advice, it hyper-focused my efforts and eliminated a lot of stress. As a result, my Amazon sales increased and before 2018 has even ended, my business has generated over 6-figures in sales.

6-Figures in 12 Months

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I never knew that I could build a 6-figure business, it feels so unreal. Having someone coach you and know your specific business and life situation changes everything. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store!

-Post From A Mentee of Gina Los Angeles

Back to Gina: I hope this story from my mentee offered you inspiration. I heard her tell be her story before but reading it really had me in my feelings. I'm so proud of her for sharing her story and being vulnerable to share not just the good but also her challenges. It's been a joy helping her reach new levels in her business. If you feel like you would be interested in having me as a mentor, leave a comment in the original post on IF or facebook and share how this article has inspired you.

Also, subscribe to hear more inspirational stories and guidance from me directly on starting or growing your business. I have something very special I'm launching to an intimate group very soon.

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